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Github Release Input

One of the great features of Concourse is the ability to watch and trigger jobs based on other people's projects. For example you could update submodules and test your project against them; or you can watch for Github Releases as the trigger for your jobs.

This section will show how to use a Github Release as an input to a job.


Resource Type

The github-release resource type requires a user and repository. The following example is for the latest release.

- name: github-release-shield
  type: github-release
    user: starkandwayne
    repository: shield

What is SHIELD?

SHIELD is a backup/recovery system for all your data services. It is multi-tenant and provides encryption in-flight and at-rest. Its open source and sponsored by Stark & Wayne, the lovely people who wrote this Concourse Tutorial book.

If new versions come out, you'd want to automatically test it and then roll it out, wouldn't you? Right. And Concourse is perfect for that.

Pipeline Example

For a job build plan to fetch the latest release and any attached files, make the following the first step in the job plan (or part of an aggregate first step):

- get: github-release-shield

Similarly, to automatically trigger the job whenever there is a new release of SHIELD:

- get: github-release-shield
  trigger: true

Try out this pipeline:

cd tutorials/miscellaneous/github-release-input
fly -t bucc set-pipeline -p github-release-input -c pipeline.yml
fly -t bucc unpause-pipeline -p github-release-input
fly -t bucc trigger-job -j github-release-input/shield -w

When running the job, the github-release resource will download the attached files from the Github Release:

total 70328
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     1920 Dec 10 11:40 body
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  7781104 Dec 10 11:40 shield-darwin-amd64
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  7741099 Dec 10 11:40 shield-linux-amd64
-rw-r--r-- 1 root 56479093 Dec 10 11:41 shield-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root        6 Dec 10 11:40 tag
-rw-r--r-- 1 root        5 Dec 10 11:40 version

Also included are files tag and version.

  • tag is the original git tag used for the Github release
  • version is an extrapolated semver version number from the tag (removes first v if it exists)

The example job also outputs the contents of this file:

running cat github-release-shield/version


If you'd like more examples of using the github-release resource type, check out

We maintain a Homebrew tap and a Debian repository which package our own and 3rd party CLIs into Homebrew and Debian packages. Everytime a new version is released our pipeline automatically updates the Homebrew and Debian package.
