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This section contains miscellaneous lessons that follow on from the sequential Basic lessons.

Using a Credentials Manager with Concourse is best practice, so from this point onwards the lessons will assume you are continuing to run bucc from the Secrets with Credentials Manager lesson.

Therefore the lessons will include fly -t bucc commands, rather than fly -t tutorial commands.

Also, the lessons will instruct to run credhub set commands to populate parameters for your pipelines.

You can of course use any Concourse, with or without a credentials manager. Adjust the fly -t bucc target alias for your target Concourse, and you can use fly set-pipeline with -v or -l flags to pass in parameters from the command line. Revisit lesson Parameters to learn more.

Abbreviated pipelines

In the Basics section, all Concourse pipeline resources had names prefixed with resource- and jobs prefixed with job-. This was to help you easily learn that they are different, and start to see how each is used within a pipeline:

  • resources appear within jobs via get: myresource and put: myresource
  • jobs appear within jobs as passed: [myjob] to form pipelines

Normal pipelines do not include these prefixes. The Miscellaneous lessons' pipelines will no longer include the prefixes.

Requests for Lessons

If there is a lesson you'd like added to the Concourse Tutorial book, please create an Issue. It is very interesting to learn how you and your team are using Concourse, or looking to switch from a previous CI/CD tool to Concourse.